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Uddannelser og 

Jeg er uddannet i traume-informeret og compassion-orienteret psykoterapi ved Dr. Gabor Maté med efterfølgende videreuddannelse i kvinders nervesystem såvel som dybdepsykologiske tilgange til at arbejde med mad, krop & træning.

Jeg er desuden certificeret Yin Yoga- og Meditationslærer og trænet i at arbejde med Storytelling som et redskab til heling.

Du finder en oversigt over mine uddannelser nedenfor. 

Jungian Somatics: Movement for Trauma Training

Jane Clapp & Laura Beth-Wenger (2024)

Women's Health &
The Nervous System

Kimberly Ann Johnson (2023)

Eating Disorder Therapy

Dr. Anita Johnston

Compassionate Inquiry Professional Training
(340 hrs)

Dr. Gabor Maté
(2019 - 2021)

Forbidden Conversations:
Sex, Death & Money,

Esther Perel

How To Write Stories That Can Change The World, One Year Storytelling Training,

The School for Sacred Storytelling / Leah Lamb (2018)

Assistant Teacher, 40 hr Yin Yoga Teacher Training

Joe Barnett


 Patrimony, Matrimony, Kinship, Ancestors & Ceremony

Stephen Jenkinson & Kimberly Ann Johnson (2024)

Compassionate Inquiry Mentorship Graduate Program

 Dr. Gabor Maté

Wisdom Stories

The School for Sacred Storytelling

Women's Sexuality & The Nervous System,

Kimberly Ann Johnson (2021)

Eating Disorder

Dr. Anita Johnston


35 hr Yin Yoga Teacher Training

Joe Barnett
(2018) ​​

200 hr Yin Yoga
Teacher Training

Jo Phee & Joe Barnett (2016)

The Heroine's Journey

Women & Mythology / Maria Souza (2023)

Somatic Movement & Nervous System for Women : A  One Year Apprenticeship Program

Kimberly Ann Johnson (2022)

Holistic Life Coaching Certification
(100 hrs)

MindBodyFood Institute (2021)

Women's Spirituality & The Nervous System,

Kimberly Ann Johnson (2021)

100 hr
Meditation Teacher Training

Yoga Barn, Bali

Sexual Healing &


BA i Journalistik med speciale i Strategisk Kommunikation / Kierkegaard

Danmarks Medie- & Journalisthøjskolen / Summer School KU

"Anybody whose calling is to guide souls
should have his own soul guided first,
so that he knows what it means
to deal with the human soul."

Carl Jung

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